SBI Yergatla IFSC Code SBIN0020482

The IFSC Code of State Bank Of India Yergatla branch is SBIN0020482. The branch is located in Nizamabad district of Telangana.

To make NEFT or RTGS money transfer to SBH Yergatla branch from any other bank in India, IFSC code is necessary. For hustle free payment transfer, share the accurate IFSC, branch name and account number with the transferer.

Address Main Road Yergatla Teh Bheemgal, Nizamabad - 503308
City & District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana 
Branch Phone Number 08463-277064
IFSC SBIN0020482
Customer Care Number 1800-425-1825, 1800-425-4055

what is ifsc code of bank

In simple terms, IFSC, short for Indian Financial System Code, is an alphanumeric code that is used to identify the particular branch of a participating bank in either of the popular electronic funds settlement options in India, namely RTGS and NEFT.

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